2. Required documents for a COE application
3. From COE application up to COE issuance
1. COE application procedures
A student visa is required for all the international students entering Japan for the purpose of study. To apply for a visa, students must first obtain a "Certificate of Eligibility (COE)" from the Japanese Immigration Services Agency. The Ritsumeikan University International Center will apply by proxy for a COE for incoming students.
⚠ Points to keep in mind
- Students with Japanese nationality AND another nationality must enter Japan as a Japanese national unless they renounce their Japanese nationality.
- For a proxy COE application, students must first complete the necessary procedures including payment of tuition fees.
2. Required documents for a COE application
Read the table below to see which category applies to you and what documents to submit.
📄 | Required Documents | Format | Newly Admitted Students | Re-Admission | Re-Enrollment | Return from Study Abroad | Others |
A | Personal Data Form | Excel | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
B | Passport | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
C | Photograph | PDF/JPG | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
D | Financial Evidence | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
E | Explanation Letter |
× | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
F | Certificate of Completion of Military Service | × | × | If applicable | × | × | |
G | Certificate of Scholarship |
If applicable |
How to submit →🏫 |
Via email 📧 |
Via International Center's Online Support Desk 💻 |
⚠ Points to keep in mind
- Be sure to keep the original hard copy with you because we may request you to mail it to us depending on the instruction of the Immigration Service Agency.
- Depending on the case, documents other than those listed above may be required by the Immigration Service Agency.
📄A. Personal Data Form
Based on the information entered on this form, the International Centre will prepare an application form to be submitted to the Immigration Bureau. please complete three sheets and submit in Excel format. Concerning the financial support plan, make sure that you consult with your financial supporter(s).
- Form 1: Basic personal information, educational and employment history, financial support information
- Form 2: Past history of entry into and departure from Japan
- Form 3: Statement of Financial Support
Click here to download the form.
Click here to download the example.
📄B. Passport
Please submit photographs of the following pages of your passport.
- Page with the personal information and photo
- (If applicable) Pages with additional important information (e.g. the page with your current name after the change of name, your official entire name including all middle names, etc.)
💬Any questions? Click here to check the Frequently Asked Questions.
📄C. Photograph
This photo will be used for the form of your COE application and your residence card which will be issued at the airport at the time of entry into Japan. The requirements are as follows.
📄D. Financial Evidence
In accordance with the regulations of Immigration Services Agency, the applicant must prove the ability to pay all expenses during his/her stay in the country in order to apply for a COE. Please check which category you fall under in the table below and submit financial evidence.
# | Your Financial Supporter | Required Documents |
1 | Your parents or relatives with a regualr income |
Submit both (1) and (2) below.
(2) Proof of Income of your financial supporter(s)
2 | Your parents or relatives with NO regualr income |
Certificate of Bank Balance in the name of your financial supporter(s)
3 | Yourself |
Certificate of Bank Balance in your name
Before you start preparing the documents, please read Any questions? Click here to check the Frequently Asked Questions.
⚠ Points to keep in mind
- The documents must be issued within one month of submission to the International Center.
- Certificates can be submitted in any currency.
- If the certificate is issued in a language other than Japanese or English, please attach a translation that includes the translator’s name, the date of translation, and the relationship with the applicant. Translations should not be handwritten, but prepared on a computer.
📄E. Explanation Letter
This document will be submitted to the Immigration Service Agency as a supporting document for an application of COE. Please explain briefly and clearly on the form the circumstances that have led you to apply for a COE at this time.
Click here to download the form.
📄F. (if applicable) Certificate of Completion of Military Service
If the reason of your leave of absence was military service, you need to submit a certificate of military service in PDF format.
If the certificate is issued in a language other than Japanese or English, please attach a translation that includes the translator’s name, the date of translation, and the relationship with the applicant. Translations should not be handwritten, but prepared on a computer.
💬 Any questions? Click here to check the Frequently Asked Questions.
📄G. (If applicable) Certificate of Scholarship
If all or part of tuition fee and your living costs in Japan will be funded by scholarship organization, you are required to submit a certificate which includes all of the following information. If the organization only provides paper certificates, please scan your certificate and submit it as a PDF.
- Your name
- Name of organization
- Duration
- Amount of money the organization is giving you
- Currency
- Date of issue
3. COE Application up to COE Issuance
Once corrections have been made and your documents are complete, the International Center will apply for your COE by proxy at the Immigration Service Agency. In general, it takes 4 to 8 weeks from application to issuance. After your COE has been successfully issued, the International Center will send it to you via e-mail or Online Support Desk.
⚠ Points to keep in mind
- The International Center will contact you if additional documents are requested by the Immigration Services Agency. Please check your e-mail inbox or Online Support Desk regularly until you receive your COE.
- As the Immigration Service Agency does not disclose information on the progress of student’s COE application, the International Center is unable to respond to inquiries concerning this matter.
- The International Center will make a COE application based on the information and documents submitted by the student. RU does not bear any responsibility if a student’s COE application is refused by the Immigration Service Agency.
💬Any questions? Click here to check the Frequently Asked Questions.
4. Visa Application
Once you have received your COE, apply for a student visa at your nearest Japanese embassy or consulate. As for all other forms and documents which will be required and how long visa processing will take, please check with your local embassy or consulate before heading there to apply for a visa.
⚠ Points to keep in mind
- In principle, you must apply for a visa in the country of your nationality or residence. If you need to apply for a visa in another country due to inevitable reasons, please be sure to consult the Japanese embassy or consulate well in advance about whether or not they will accept your application.
- As a rule, if you enter Japan under "Temporary Visitor (Tourist visa)", RU is unable to provide support to change your status from "Temporary Visitor" to "Student" or prepare documents to support the change.
💬Any questions? Click here to check the Frequently Asked Questions.
5. Frequently Asked Questions
- I have lost my old passport and I don't have all of my entry and exit history.
- Please inform the International Center.
- I am currently applying to renew my passport. What should I do?
- You can still apply for a COE while your passport is being renewed. However, the COE will not be issued until you submit your new passport, even if the examination is completed. Therefore, please submit your application to the International Center as soon as your new passport is issued. If you anticipate that it will take longer to renew your passport, please contact the International Center. If you also plan to change the name on your passport at the time of passport renewal, please read the article below "I am planning to change the name on my passport before entering Japan, is it ok?".
- I am planning to change the name on my passport before entering Japan, is it ok?
- The name in your passport that you will use to enter Japan and the name on your COE must correspond. If you change your name in your passport while applying for a COE, you will need to withdraw your COE application and re-apply.
💡Financial Evidence
- Who should be my financial supporter?
- In principle, your financial supporter must be your parents or other direct relatives. You can have more than one financial supporter. At least one of them must have a regular income.
- Do I need to submit proof of income even if my tuition fees and living expenses can be entirely funded out of the savings of my financial supporter?
- Yes. The income information of your financial supporter is required for a COE application form. For a smooth COE application, it is indispensable to demonstrate a consistent and stable financial ability to cover expenses through graduation.
- I am planning to submit only a Certificate of Bank Balance in my name as proof of my ability to pay expenses, is it OK?
- If your bank statement shows a bank balance equal to or greater than the total amount of your living expenses and tuition fees until the graduation as proof of your ability to cover all expenses until the graduation, we can apply for your COE. If not, please provide the Income Certificate and the Certificate of Bank Balance of your financial supporter(s).
- I plan to work part-time after entering Japan. Can I include the salary from that part-time job in my method of financial support?
- No, you cannot. You can only apply for a COE for a student visa on the premise that you have sufficient funds to cover your living expenses and tuition fees without having to work in Japan.
- Can I submit another financial document instead of a Certificate of Balance or Certificate of Income?
- In principle, we do not accept any other financial documents such as credit card transactions, investment documents or capital assets documents.
💡Certificate of Completion of Military Service
- I cannot have my military service certificate issued as my expected date of discharge is still some time away. What should I do?
- Instead of a certificate of military service, please submit a certificate showing the expected date of discharge.
💡COE Application up to COE issuance
- I have not received any notification that my COE has been issued, although it has been a long time since I applied. What should I do?
- If there is a high volume of applications at the Immigration Bureau, it may take some time before the COE is issued. We will contact you as soon as your COE is issued.
- Can I be informed about the status of the screening process?
- As the Immigration Service Agency does not disclose information on the progress of student’s COE application, the International Center is unable to respond to inquiries concerning this matter.
💡Visa Application
- What documents do I need to prepare for a visa application?
- Please contact the Japanese embassy or consulate where you intend to apply for the visa.
💡Entering Japan
- When should I enter Japan?
- Student visas are issued to those who wish to enter Japan for the purpose of study. Arriving too early before the start of the semester is therefore not recommended. For this reason, we advise students to enter the country within one month before the start of the semester. (Autumn semester entrants/returnees: enter Japan in September; Spring semester entrants/returnees: enter Japan in March).